De ce Retailbook?

Cumparatorii se plictisesc mai repede decat consumatorii. Asta am invatat dupa 10 ani de retail. Ce ne face sa cumparam? Cum devine un comerciant mai interesant decat ceilalti? sunt intrebari la care ne putem raspunde daca suntem aproape de business si cu simtul realitatii.

duminică, 8 iulie 2012

Social Networks Conference, by Evensys, 11th July 2012

In a few days we could have the chance to be attendant of a very useful event developed by Evensys - Social Networks Conference. If you ask me what is the connection between this event and retail, I will tell you very simple: the customer / the consumer is using now social networks as first step of information before buying or consuming.

 In Romania they are over 5 millions of Facebook visitors, the level  of internet access at the end of 2011 is reaching 47% of the households vs. 42% in 2010, so a growing rate of internet access of 5%, higher than the European average of 3% ( from 70% in 2010 to 73% in 2011) - we are still on the last place in Europe, but the growing trend is the fastest and this you can see on Eurostat. We, people working in retail., still have a great chance to be a pioneer in this area. Being  in online and chating with your customers trough social media it is not a joke, but a way to make additional money for your business. Trough Social Media your customers have more comfort to communicate with you, the retailer, but also to recommend your store to other possible customers or actual non-recommender customers. Just trough a cute comment on Facebook or a short post on Twitter, hundred of people can find out how amazing was a customer's experience in your store.

All these things I learned trough events dedicated to Social Media - and not only about Social Media - organized by Evensys and I would like only to invite you to check the event page for Social Networks Conference 2012.

On the agenda you can see speakers from FMCG ( Pepsi), from an important bank of Romania, BCR, who has a dedicated person for Social Media , from an other bank who is very successful - Unicredit Tiriac Bank from E-research, a company focused on online research and so on. So 2 top banks are presented at this event with presentations, so companies clearly focused on profit...this should give me a new clue.

The FULL AGENDA OF THE EVENT  is showing once again that social networks are not a joke for attracting customers and make them just love you, they are a real tool and less expensive than traditional marketing that we learned 10 years ago.

If you want to come for free to this event, Evensys is challenging you to a game on Facebook , 5 free invitations are waiting for you HERE.

Some other data and interesting topics for free are available on the event page HERE.

In 2011 I was official blogger for this event, I remember my colleagues bloggers and our enthousiasm to be there, here is a relevant picture.Now there is a new contest to be official blogger, see on Cristian Manafu's blog.

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