De ce Retailbook?

Cumparatorii se plictisesc mai repede decat consumatorii. Asta am invatat dupa 10 ani de retail. Ce ne face sa cumparam? Cum devine un comerciant mai interesant decat ceilalti? sunt intrebari la care ne putem raspunde daca suntem aproape de business si cu simtul realitatii.

miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012

Retail audit - surse si resurse

De cand am inceput sa lucrez in FCMG- retail, datele din retail audit erau de baza pentru orice proiect pe care doreai sa-l faci legat de business. Acum ma gandeam ca in Romania cam toti am fost obisnuiti cu Nielsen si MEMRB, pe partea de electronice cu GfK, dar in lume ce resurse sunt pentru acest gen de date? Si am apelat frumos iar la Google si sa vedem ce am gasit.

joi, 12 ianuarie 2012

Peek & Cloppenburg, Baneasa Mall, Bucharest- NIGHT SALES, 11th January 2012

On 11th january after 10 PM, Peek & Cloppenburg from Baneasa Shopping Mall organized a night sales event. Some weeks before the event, they sent via post mail invitations to their loyal customers and based on the invitation ( and confirmation) the loyal customers had the access to this shopping session. Simple mechanisme, not so much communication, but a good  direct marketing.

I took this opportunity to go and to enjoy a night sales at Peek & Cloppenburg, but the effect was not the expected one.

luni, 2 ianuarie 2012

"Social" shopping or.."pink" market

In the latest period I was in the position to be customer for so called "pink" market. I found this name because I cannot name it in an other way. What is this "pink" market or how to do "social" shopping?
I call "pink" market the small business done around online shopping, those people who are buying for you from websites or places who are not accessible for you in terms of distance, shipment, payment and so on. They buy also for them and they just add your shopping to their list asking for a comission between 10-20%.  Usualy this business is build around online shops from West Europe who are not delivering in Romania or they are delivering with big shipment taxes.