De ce Retailbook?

Cumparatorii se plictisesc mai repede decat consumatorii. Asta am invatat dupa 10 ani de retail. Ce ne face sa cumparam? Cum devine un comerciant mai interesant decat ceilalti? sunt intrebari la care ne putem raspunde daca suntem aproape de business si cu simtul realitatii.

marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

On-line shopping - Romanian shopper already loves it!

In Romania the internet penetration is stil low, around 36% of the population were Internet users in 2010 if we lok into the Eurostat statistics. But, the evolution is good , social media is attracting people and they like to stay on internet. Romania is on the last place in European Union also for usage of internet for, there is stil a large place to grow.

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